Hi there, I’m Alexandre. I’m a data scientist working at Owkin, an emerging biotech company with the ambition to find the right treatment for every patient. I am part of the Medical Imaging group, which focuses on the analysis and representation of histopathology data. I am mostly working within R&D on self-supervised learning to better represent digital pathology data. I am one of the main contributor behind Phikon, Phikon-v2, H0-Mini and other internal models. As such, my missions also involve improving our histology-based, AI-driven diagnostics tools. I have also a solide background in statistics applied to medical research through collaborations with industry and academics.

Research interests

  • Computer vision on healthcare images and application to diagnostics in oncology
  • Self-supervised learning
  • Machine learning and biostatistics for medical research
  • Imunofluorescence images analysis for immunology
  • Federated learning


  • MSc in Statistics and Computer Science, 2017-2019 - ENSAE Paris
  • MSc in Machine Learning and Computer Vision, 2018-2019 - ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Engineering school, 2015-2017 - Ecole Centrale de Marseille